Morning birding around the hotel in Bialowieska produced several good species, including Black Redstart, Golden Oriole, Rosefinch, River Warbler, Red-breasted Flycatcher, the first Bullfinch of the trip, and the first Pied Flycatcher for us in Bialowieska. After breakfast we turned towards the Siemianowka Reservoir. Earlier in May there had been reports on epic numbers of the three swamp-terns Black, White-winged Black and Whiskered Terns, so we were quite keen to get there. On our way we got another Ortolan Bunting and a Turtle Dove. At Siemianowka we were immediately met by a Citrine Wagtail, and birded in the area for some time. From the watchpoint near the lake we could enjoy all target terns. More than 100 Whiskered Terns fed in the lake together with 25 White-winged Black Terns and 50 Black Terns! Other highlights were two more Citrine Wagtails, a Honey Buzzard, a Lesser Spotted Eagle and an Eurasian Bittern. We ended our birding and drove northwards. Just north of Siemianowka we found another singing Ortolan and a Grey-headed Woodpecker. A brief visit near the Belarussian border produced a male Montagu's Harrier, and a Beautiful Demoiselle (damselfly) playing in the sun together with a Brimstone butterfly. Our destination today was Kaunas in Lithuania, and much of the afternoon was spent in the car. We crossed the Lithuanian border in the evening, and went straight for dinner and a bed in Kaunas. At one of the few stops in the fading light we came by several Moor Frogs Rana arvalis (picture above). A rare species in Norway, and a new acquaintance for us.
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May 2024