This first winter Isabelline Shrike Lanius isabellinus was found in a garden at Herdlevær near Bergen in western Norway on 15 November 2003. It was hunting for prey on the ground, and managed to catch a Winter Wren Troglodytes troglodytes just before dark. At times it was very skulky, and hid beneath dense shrubbery. It was gone the following morning. There were only eight Norwegian records up to 2002, and this was the second for Hordaland county. The previous records include four birds in May or June, and four autumn birds from late september to early november. This bird is actually the latest ever to be found in Norway, and only the second in its first calendar year. Update: The bird was submitted as a Turkestan Shrike Lanius isabellinus phoenicuroides. The national rarities committee NSKF has accepted the record as a first winter Isabelline Shrike, but have hesitated to link the bird to a subspecific level.
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